Monday, March 22, 2010

Prep Day

Well the weekend is over.  I had a blast. Yup. Laying on my butt all weekend.  I was supposed to go to Missouri to visit my son but the weather put the brakes on that plan.  Hopefully we can go next weekend.  I took it easy this weekend and watched some movies with Charles. 

I took advantage of the extra time and planned out a menu for my boys for the next week.  They approve, I am happy to say.  I tried to make it as close to my vegan menu as possible. For instance; fish and chips for them, mock crab cakes for me.  Chicken stir fry for them and 'Chicken' stir fry for me.  Hamburgers for them and Boca burger for me. You get the idea.  I want to make cooking a minimal effort or I fear that it'll be too much work to keep up.  I guess that remains to be seen.

Today my plan is to boil the hamburger and ground turkey into crumbles, make burger patties and bake muffins.  If I have the energy, I'll make a vegan and regular lasagna.  They don't take very long to do in themselves but I am making my own pasta sauce which takes a little time.

I mention energy because these days I have very little of it.  It seems that I am always tired and it's really getting on my nerves.  There is so much I could be doing but my body says, "Don't exert yourself or you'll be sorry later."  My body is right half the time.  I get some exercise in and my body feels like crap.  Why?  I am sure that it's my diet.  My sleep is fine. I get at least 8-9hrs a night.  I also drink lots of water.  I am healthy for the most part.  I try to control my blood sugar but it's getting harder these days.  That is because of my poor diet. I am sure of it.

So you're probably asking what I eat right now.  Not a whole lot of good foods.  I hardly eat vegetables and live on cereal most of the time.  My blood sugar plummets and I grab something sugary to bring it back up. Yeah, I know...healthy.   And I realize that it's not so again, the idea to become vegan seems like a good choice right now.

Today I am tired.  Very tired.  I am drinking a 7-11 french vanilla capuccino and eating a donut.  Sort of a farewell breakfast and I am hoping that I don't drop dead of a heart attack or stroke before I begin my new eating plan tomorrow.

What's weird to me is that I am really excited to start this plan. I mean REALLY excited!  I have never been this excited about healthy eating before in my life so what gives this time?  Not sure.  I guess it's all the things I mentioned in my first post but something else as well.  Maybe it's the fact that I am doing this for me and nobody else.  Just lil ol' me.  That doesn't happen very often. I might get a massage once a year but that's it.  I about fell over dead when I decided to get my hair done professionally instead of dyeing it myself last month.  Talk about different and satisfying and scary all at the same time.  Maybe it was the price tag...

I suppose I best get off this computer and get to work.  Thanks bunches for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Little steps. Good for you for your start and planning things out. :)
