Friday, March 26, 2010

Food Allergies

I have alot of them.  I am allergic to nuts and fresh fruit except strawberries, blueberries, green seedless grapes and melon.  I can eat fruit and only walnuts if they are cooked.  I'm also allergic to coconut--coconut milk, too.  This makes it a little challenging to find fresh things to eat.  What I would give to grab an apple and go. 

I didn't develop allergies until I was about 14.  I ate an apple and broke out in hives. My tongue swelled up and my throat itched like there was no tomorrow.  That was my first experience.  Over the years, I have tried different fruit and now have a list a mile long of what I cannot eat.  I've tried a couple of new things since this plan and have jicama (pronounced hick-ah-mah).  It tasted like a cross between an apple and a potato.  Oh it was good but I broke out in a rash and my mouth swelled.  Oh well. I am 42 now so I am used to not being able to eat certain things and asking about ingredients at restaurants.  I know that when I cook at home, I know exactly what goes into my food so it makes things alot easier. 

Despite my allergies, I have learned that it's still okay to try new things.  I have medication to help but so far, I haven't needed it.   Tomorrow, I will be trying eggplant for the first time.  I am looking forward to it. I hope I like it and I hope that I can eat it without mishap.

Eating vegan is a new experience and I am sure I will have opportunities to try an array of foods that I have never imagined eating before. Allergies or no...I expect to have a whole new menu of great foods to enjoy in the future.

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