Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It's funny...I do not feel deprived.  A little shaky and I have a mild headache but not deprived of anything.  I had a cup of coffee today with soy milk and a tiny bit of Agave Nectar.  How can that be deprivation?  I enjoy coffee. Too much and I never was a coffee drinker until I hit 40.  I think I drank it for the taste but also the energy.  Today I am drinking decaf but it still tastes like real coffee and I like it alot. 

Last week and the weeks before, I would eat whatever I wanted, which was really just alot of cereal.  I would get hungry, look around the kitchen and think, "There's nothing to eat."  In fact, this house is bursting at the seems with food.  I have two full fridges and a 14cf chest freezer stuffed to the gills but what do I do?  Grab a bowl of cereal.  It was easy and it would fill me up for a little while.  It would also add another pound a week onto the scale.  In 10 weeks, I gained 10 pounds. 

I ate peanut butter and jam yesterday.  Deprivation? Certainly not!  It was "just peanuts" and fruit juice sweetened strawberry preserves on whole wheat toast.  I had raisins in my oatmeal this morning and a burger for lunch! That is not deprivation. That is satisfaction!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that you are seeing all the options available for you. Doing the Vegan option now and during the summer is a great way to start. Go you! :)
