Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Scream for Rice Dream

Rice Dream Ice Cream! TO. DIE. FOR.  I tried chocolate marble swirl and neopolitan.  Very rich and creamy, oh it was too good!  I didn't have too much, though but one serving was very satisfying!

Who needs cow's milk ice cream when there is Rice Dream?  It's indeed comparable to regular ice cream but so much better for you. Best of all, no harm comes to any cows while making this gorgeous stuff!  I am actually thinking about making my own ice dream with my ice cream maker.  That's on my To-Do List.  Rice Dream isn't cheap but it's along the same priceline as Ben & Jerry's, same serving size and most definately better tasting!

Yes, I am excited about this.  I am such a huge fan of ice cream and that bothered me to give it up, especially over the summer.  Now that I have found this (thank you Alicia Silverstone!), I can feel less guilty about indulging but I CAN indulge.  That's huge for me.  I highly recommend this product!

1 comment:

  1. The Rice Cream is yummy. If you get a chance you might want to try Coconut Bliss too. It is even creamier and milkier but still dairy free.
